What to Do at Wake
1. Rally the Kids You Know
Discover the routine for your group and roll with it. Kids like to have a familiar place to connect when they arrive. Couches? Booth? Kitchen? Video Games? Pool? Ping Pong? Foosball?
2. Include Visitors
We’ll try to bring visitors to you but try to keep an eye out for loners, wanderers, and stragglers. Welcome new students into your circle. Talk to them about what to expect or just ask questions about where a person lives, goes to school, etc. Keep them with you all morning. Invite them to sit with you and your group.
3. Follow Up with Both
Be sure to remind your kids about the when and where of Small Group. Have visitors fill out an Info Card and ask them what they thought about Wake. Encourage them to come back and memorize their name so you can remember it the next time you see them.
During the Program
1. Sit with Kids
Shared experience is a great way to build relationships. Kids will feel a sense of value and connectedness when leaders sit with them instead of congregating with other adults in the back of the room.
2. Keep the Peace
We rely on our leaders to police the mosh pits, regulate cell phone usage, discourage side conversations, prevent disruptive coming and going, and be on the lookout for anything creepy or unusual.
3. Engage with the Program
Pretend like you’re a camp counselor. The kids follow your lead. You make the energetic times more energetic, the games more exciting, the skits and videos more funny, the worship more authentic, and the messages more meaningful.
Follow the Curriculum – Click "Messages/Resources" above