Dear Leaders,
Just wanted to review some things with you about our policies with students. Some of these are really obvious, but need to be said anyway, so we are leading you well. Our culture has certainly changed and relational ministry is that much more important as we deliver the truth in our action and words. As we engage in relational ministry, we need to make every effort to apply wisdom to every situation in light of an increasingly morally challenged culture. Here are some specifics:
- We should avoid one on ones with the opposite sex completely.
- We should only have one on one meetings with the same sex in public places and would always encourage you to bring another leader or student.
- When driving students home, you should always drop off the student in a direct manner and not linger in the car. If they need to talk, do that in the view of others (in their house, outside the car in view of others, etc.).
- Never agree to keep something in confidence. Always communicate with students that before they share with you that you will share with others if that is the best way to love and help them. The most likely person we would share information with would be their parents.
- Never joke around about privates.
- Never do anything in the nude (mooning, a lost farkle, swimming, etc).
- Never engage in anything that would hurt personal property or that person directly.
- If you are having a sleep over, it must be at a parent’s house with a group. Never would you host a sleepover at your house or sleep in the same bed. Outside of our retreats and events, we would suggest you sleep in another room if possible.