3 Things Parents Need to Know From Leaders
1. You are safe.
Parents need to know that you will be responsible for the emotional, physical, and spiritual well being of their son or daughter. Here are three things you can do to help parents trust you as a safe person in the life of their child. First, keep your word. Do what you say you’re going to do when you say you’re going to do it. Second, be knowable. Connect with parents on Facebook or Twitter so they can observe who you are and the way you live. Spend time in their home before and after Small Group meetings sharing your personal life with them. Finally, make mature decisions. When the kids want to ride on the roof or your car, sneak out at 3:00am, or go watch a questionable movie, ask yourself, “What would our most conservative parent do in this situation?”
2. You are available.
Parents need to know that you are available as a resource and partner as they seek to shepherd their son or daughter. Make sure they have your contact information and know that you’re eager to connect with and serve their family. Answer calls and return calls promptly. Warning! You will find all different types of family dynamics and you want to be aware of potential pitfalls. The big ones are A) losing trust from the kids because they feel like you’re talking about them behind their backs and B) being manipulated and thrown off mission by parents with a separate agenda.
3. You are not wasting their time.
Parents need to know that Watermark activities are leaving a lasting impression in the life of their child. Small Group will slip on the priority scale if all they ever hear about is goofing off and reports like, “Small group was so fun. Our leader is incredibly funny.” Parents need to observe that you are prepared for, intentional with, and in charge of your Small Group meetings. Kids should walk away from each meeting with something deeper than a fun time. Consider sharing the content of your Bible studies with parents whenever you send out reminder emails for meetings.