10 Discipleship Nuts & Bolts
Noticed a great resource on the Navigators website. Everything here comes straight from them and really applies directly to what we're trying to do with students at Watermark. Check out the accompanying scriptures...Great stuff!
1. Major on being an encourager
As you listen to your friend, ask yourself how you can encourage him or her, offer practical support, and spur your friend on. Hebrews 10:24,25
2. Realize that you are entering into a lifelong friendship
Your relationship will be foundational to all you hope to accomplish. Proverbs 17:17
3. Make sure you are well prepared
Get organized before you spend time together. Review the passages and illustrations you plan to share. 2 Timothy 2:15
4. Set the pace
You can’t take someone beyond where you yourself have gone. You can’t build solidly into someone else what is weak in your life. Philippians 4:9
5. Modeling is the key to reproducing your life
Be transparent. Share your weaknesses and struggles as well as your strengths and victories. 1 Timothy 3:10, 11
6. Repeat key principles
Make no apologies for going over familiar ground. The basics are basic—that’s why they’re called basics. Drive them home. Philippians 3:1
7. Don’t “dump the truck” by sharing everything you know
Teach your disciple only what he or she needs to know at the present time. John 16:1-14
8. Use illustrations
Try to draw a picture for all of the concepts you want to pass along. One picture really is worth a thousand words. Matthew 13:24,31,33,44,45,47
9. Treat your disciple like an adult
Don’t talk down to him or her. Be a friend. 1 Peter 5:1-3
10. Always focus on Christ
Relate all you do together to knowing Christ and making Him known. Point your friend to Jesus. Hebrews 12:2