Leaders Toolbox #14

16 Ideas From 7th & 8th Grade Leaders
The following is a collection of ideas from the 7th & 8th grade April 16, 2009 Leaders Meetings. If you'd like to see further details about any of these ideas we can try to track down the source and get you in touch. More ideas coming soon from other grades...

1. Weekly Accountability Partners
Pair up kids each week with someone they don't normally connect with. They get together at the end of small group and share prayer requests, pray together, and commit to connecting (phone, text, email, etc.) at least once during the week to check in.

2. Bonding Quiz
Collect obscure facts about each kid in your group and put together a quiz to see how well the kids know each other. It's funny to see how they answer different questions and everyone learns something about the others. Bring a prize for the winner. Sample Questions: Whose middle name is _________? Who has the most siblings? Who was born in Arizona? Etc.

3. No "Church Answers" Rule
When you ask a question, go ahead and say the "church answers" that they aren't allowed to give. Once you get those out of the way, they'll be forced to think deeper about their response. Ask follow up questions to get to the heart of their answers.

4. Simple Memory Verse Rewards
Buy a pack of bible tabs from the Christian bookstore. Each time a kid memorizes a verse they get to add another tab to their collection. (The tab does not necessarily have to match the address of the verse memorized)

5. Add Extra Time
Extend your small group time from 1 hour to 1.5 hours. The extra time allows for more social interaction and more time for prayer.

6. Prayer Request Development
For every sick dog, family illness, or math test prayer request, a student must also offer a request related to spiritual growth, outreach, or service.

7. Surprise Game Night
Once a semester, host a game night in the place of your regular small group. Demonstrate the value of relationships and fun. Board games, video games, basketball, football, soccer...all games encouraged.

8. Summer Events
Plan monthly small group get-togethers in June, July, and August to keep the group connected. Pool parties, movie nights, ice cream outings, etc.

9. Small Group Survey
Create a survey for your group to find out what they like and dislike about your time together. Continually be seeking for ways to make things better.

10. All Family Party
A great way to help the group to bond is to ask a parent to help you host an annual Family Party for your small group members, their parents, and their siblings. Cookout burgers, bring footballs and frisbess, and set up a Wii inside. A good time to schedule something like this is early in May.

11. Parent Meeting
Have a meeting with parents at the beginning of the year to share your heart with them, inform them about what goes on at Small Group, and encourage them to make the effort to keep their kids involved.

12. Father/Son Retreat
If someone in your group has a lakehouse, see if they would consider hosting a father/son getaway. Take the boys and their dads away for a night or two of fun. This is a great time to allow the fathers to speak words of affirmation/encouragement into to the lives of the young men.

13. Small Group Blog/Facebook Group
Start a blog for your group. It's a great place to post the schedule of times and locations, to preview and summarize topics covered in meetings, and to announce upcoming events and special gatherings.

14. Mom/Leader Brunch
Host a brunch with the moms of all the girls in your group to discuss the students' struggles and strengths. This is a great way to get to know the parents better and how you can come alongside them as they seek to disciple their daughters.

15. Older Visitor
Find an older student (a grade or two ahead of your kids) who would be willing to come and share with your group about what they can expect from the years ahead. Make them available for a Q&A and maybe have your kids prepare questions in advance.

16. Grade Level Party
Get together with the other leaders that have small groups in the same grade. Plan an outing or a party for just the kids in your grade. The church is always available for things like this or you could grab a house, a pool, or a mall.