Leaders Toolbox #11

3 Ways to Finish Strong

1. Evaluate Your Year
Look back and assess what you have accomplished as a group and as a leader. Be encouraged where you should be encouraged and be challenged where you need to be challenged. Click HERE for a great Group Evaluation resource.

2. Celebrate Your Year
Commemorate the highlights and reward the faithful students who were consistent to the end. Take the group for a special outing, host a sleepover, plan a cookout, get everyone a little gift...Just do something special that communicates the value of 9 months spent together studying God's word, talking about real life, and enjoying each others company.

3. Plan For Next Year
Based on your evaluation, think about what you can do to take your Small Group to the next level in the 2007-2008 school year. Prepare your group now to re-engage in the fall. Review and sign a Small Group Covenant that will stand as a form of accountability for the next year. Maybe even have students write a letter to themselves with some encouragement about being faithful to their pursuit of spiritual growth.