Leaders Toolbox #10

6 Spring Reminders

1. Activities vs. Attention
Activities are great. Attention is better. Students crave attention more than just gathering together or having a good time. What are ways you've given attention to your students? Find ways to interact with as many students on a one on one basis as possible. Little things like text messages or coming over 10 minutes early before small group can go a long ways.

2. Numbers vs. Health
Sometimes during the spring season, small groups experience a drop in attendance. Don't get discouraged if there are a few less kids at small group each week. Keep calling and encouraging everyone to join you, and then focus on taking advantage of the smaller group and go deeper in building relationships, accountability, and studying God's word with those faithful few.

3. Adult Chaperone vs. Godly Leader
Sometimes you'll catch yourself being a passive observer of your group. Students need leaders, not sponsors. How are you leading your students? What parts of your life are you sharing with them? What areas of growth are you experiencing that can serve as an example for them? What are you learning in God's word? Who are you reaching out to? What kind of example are you setting and sharing with them?

4. Relevance vs. Relationships
You are not and never will be as cool as a Junior High or High School student. Sometimes our insecurity drives us to try to "fit in" with our kids. We don't have to watch all the coolest movies or listen to the hippest emo music or be a fashion trendsetter in order to have an influence on kids. Reality means more to kids than relevance and real relationships create the best context for authentic ministry.

5. Tunnel Vision vs. Perspective
It's easy to get locked in on a task and get stuck in the rut of the same small group Bible Study meeting week after week. Remember the big picture of building long term relationships in the context of a ministry involving hundreds of people. Get creative in your ministry. Try something new. Branch out and involve other leaders, other kids, and new activities. Get involved in other aspects of the ministry. Is it your time to get on stage? Do you know people who could be great leaders that you need to invest some energy in recruiting?

6. Talking about God vs. Talking with God
Leaders will sometimes find themselves pouring out more than they are filling up. Make sure that you are spending a greater percentage of your time and energy talking WITH God than you are talking ABOUT God. What you need for them, you must get from Him!