Leaders Toolbox #4

Tips for "Contact Work"

In order to truly build friendships with students, we have to engage with them in environments outside of the normal church-related meetings. Here are some tips for getting in the lives of the individuals in your group.

1. Get to Know Your Kids
Find out what type of "contact work" means the most to the specific students in your group. Use this Small Group Contact Questionnaire to help get things started.

2. Pair Up
Remember, you don't have to go alone. Take another leader or a friend or some other kids with you when you visit a school or event.

3. Schedule
Plan ahead by writing your visits in your calendar and keep track of your visits so you have record of how you've connected with each individual. If you do not schedule these times, you will find something easier to do.

4. Make it a Habit
Keep going. Every time you go makes the next time more comfortable, impactful, and fun.

5. Bring Food!
If the school will allow it, bring pizza with you. Pizza makes friends (unless they're vegans).